

Links for the East Siders Discussion

1 comment:

MP said...

Thank you for the book choice. When I first picked it up, I thought Argh! A book of letters. I can't stand that. A pet peeve of mine.
Then I started reading and thought: oh, great! This guy's way too clever and showing off.
Then I got into it. Wow! I'm really enjoying it! Maybe it's all the big picture ideas. I'm looking forward to where he's going to take it. Or maybe I'm getting soft as I get older.
Either way, thanks a lot and I'm looking forward to book club this month.

I'm reading this aloud and smiling to myself as I try to work out the phonetics as the book progresses. I'm still loving it. Work's tough... so it was great to have this book as a distraction. I would have been expelled from the isle long ago. All hail the Great Nollop-- or maybe not. This guy's nuts!