
THE RAZOR'S EDGE by W. Somerset Maugham

The Razor's Edge
 Links for the East Side Readers discussion

Lit Lovers Discussion Questions

Gerald Haxton - Wikipedia  (his secretary/partner)

Maugham's amazing art collection  (donated when he died to the National Theatre)

The Rose by Pierre Ronsard -- Maugham inscription poem for Sophie in English Ode on a Grecian Urn. Keats, John. 1884. Maugham quotes to Isabel when discussing love & passion.


Author surrogate - Wikipedia (Was Maugham the real narrator?)
John of Ruysbroeck on Wikipedia (John Ruysbroeck=14th century mystic Maugham thinks of as Larry is describing his quest)

And if you really want to follow up: Everything you ever wanted to know about The Razor's Edge, who Larry Darrell was in real life, what happened to him, etc.

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