

Links for the East Side Readers' March discussion.

No reading guide available… here are some Generic questions... and some more generic questions.
Please feel free to bring your own!
Stegner v. Kesey
  • For June 18th, The Stranger by Albert Camus, Mosley's favorite book. I've linked to a newer translation -- you may still have yours on the shelf ! Or maybe even L'étranger !


VA said...

We agreed that it was well written, although a little overdone in spots - the 4th of July party, too much descriptive flora in CA. We all agreed that the curmudgeon, who was not about to sacrifice his principles and beliefs, looked at life differently and was a different person because of Marian and their relationship. Joe claimed to want privacy and peace, but "thrives on self-manufactured discord and complaints." Ruth could have been more forceful. We were uncomfortable that Marian chose to have no closure with Debbie, particularly considering Marian's own mother had none with her. We all related with Marian primarily because of her goodness and belief in innocence. We agreed the first person narrative was effective and would not have chosen a different format. The author's writing style definitely enhanced the story. The characters were at the mercy of the plot as opposed to the plot moving forward by the decisions of the characters.

Your humble correspondent is in love with this author who has up until now been hidden from her! I have bought CROSSING TO SAFETY and will probably become a Stegner groupie! Thank you for the introduction.

The links were all good, but for me the interviews with his 2 daughters-in-law (present and past) and other interviews and biographical material were very insightful in knowing where this author was coming from.

I am eager to hear what the evening group had to say on these and any other matters pertaining to the book.

Lynn said...

I am on the last 30 pages of the book and it was a little tough going with all the long nature descriptions, which I love and don't love all at the same time. I really like the character of Marian, so Zen-like and how she handles her cancer and upcoming death by wanting to experience it cold turkey.

It reminded me of when I broke my leg (2 yrs in June) and asked Stu to take a picture of me lying on the trail in Utah and when he balked saying he did not want to remember it, I said "This is a major event in my life and I want to experience it all." He did take the picture and later took one of himself in the hospital room in black and white waiting for me to come back from surgery.

Marian also makes me think of my cancer patients at work and the different ways they handle life and death.

Stegner is an excellent writer. Glad we read this book.